The Freedom You’re Seeking

The Freedom You’re Seeking

We all develop coping behaviors to survive painful experiences. We can be grateful that our system was resourceful enough to find ways of staying safe when we felt in danger emotionally or physically.

The problem is later in life those same protectors become a straitjacket, keeping us from fulfillment, aliveness, and success.

Perhaps in your family, you were conditioned to believe that success was only for “big shots” i.e. arrogant people, and you observed a successful family member being judged and shunned. As an adult, you may find success eluding you, leaving you frustrated and disheartened. You may unconsciously be sabotaging your success, so you don’t lose love. After all, who wants to be rejected and labeled as arrogant.

I had many experiences when I was young that left me deeply confused about my worth and lovability. I came up with all sorts of coping mechanisms to survive pain too great for a child to bear. While my tactics did protect me, as I grew into an adult I found myself imprisoned by beliefs that kept me working super hard, yet not making very much money, and longing for a deep love relationship and a warm home life, yet frightened and frozen when it came to actualizing these desires.

It was through the process of facing and releasing my subconscious, blocking beliefs and painful feelings, that I was finally able to create a thriving business and a nourishing love relationship with someone whom I now share a home with. After all, I had been through and all my efforts to heal, it was penetrating my traumas that finally solved the mystery and released me into a life of infinitely greater meaning and freedom.

The key distinction between my past and my present is not that I am never triggered by my past conditioning. It’s that in the past my traumas were running my life. Once I released the painful feelings stuck in my nervous system, they stopped taking over. While I might still occasionally experience something old and painful, the difference is that now the whole, original me is alive and well and also present. I know I will never be inclined to abdicate leadership for my life and relationships again.

If you’ve been struggling repetitively in a key domain of life (money and success, love and relationships, health, and well-being) feeling frustrated or hopeless about creating the business or life you know you were born for, unhealed traumas may be the gremlins tripping you up.

My Whole Person Integration sessions have been catalyzing life-changing breakthroughs for my current clients.

To book an exploratory breakthrough call, START HERE.