The Money Archetype Quiz

Congratulations on your commitment to empowering your money story!

The 8-10 minutes you will invest in this quiz is the beginning of a life-changing process! If you want to stop living in a box of “shoulds” when it comes to money, and begin empowering your relationship to money right now, you’re in the right place!

Here’s why: 

  • You can’t change what you can’t see… your quiz will shine a spotlight on what’s driving your relationship with money from behind the scenes
  • Until you empower your internal relationship with money, the best practical strategies will not be effective
  • When you empower your relationship to money, you can easily create profit that feels true to who you are.

Sound good? 

Then, please read through these instructions before taking the quiz.

Quiz Instructions

Your quiz results will be most accurate and meaningful if you suspend self- judgment and answer the questions with 100% self-honesty.  Please be kind to yourself.

Score yourself relative to your relationship with money right now, not where you have been, and not where you would like to be in the future.

  • Try to complete the quiz within approximately 8-12 minutes.
  • Don’t overthink your answers, first answer is best answer.
  • There is a drop-down menu for each question with choices ranging from “strongly agree” to “strongly disagree”.
  • Once you submit your quiz responses your results will be tabulated and you’ll discover your primary money personality traits!

“See you” on the other side of the quiz :-).

With love, Michelle